Hi Nick,
I'm going to try to explain my current issue. I can't see the information of the records of one particular resource in the page of the related Institution and Collection. Firstly, I go to explain the steps that I did to get to this situation:
1) I uploaded the data set.
2) I executed the ingest process of the data set.
3) I created the Institution and the collection of this resource.
4) I created the the relationships between this resource, the institution and the collection.
5) Also I created the Providers code, you can see my current Provider Map in the attached image.
It seems that all it's right. But the problem It's that when I access to the public section of collectory, and I try to see the information to this Institution and this Collection, the app isn't able to show the related records. I think that the calls that are launched in this module are wrong, because it's trying to communicate with the biocache.ala.org.au.
- http://logger.ala.org.au/service/in1/events/1002/counts.json?callback=jQuer…
- http://logger.ala.org.au/service/reasonBreakdown.json?eventId=1002&entityUi…
And the most important that is related to in1:
"NetworkError: 500 Error Interno del Servidor - http://datos.gbif.es/biocache-service/density/map?q=collection_uid:co3"
- http://logger.ala.org.au/service/co3/events/1002/counts.json?callback=jQuer…
- http://biocache.ala.org.au/ws/occurrences/search.json?pageSize=0&q=collecti…
- http://biocache.ala.org.au/ws/occurrences/search.json?facets=type_status&fq…
Thanks so much.
Santiago Martínez de la Riva
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405
Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama(a)gbif.es
28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es
Hi guys,
Sorry for this stupid question, but I would like to know how can I change the hyperlink of the breadcrumb-div. See the attached image.
Now when I click on Home link I go to ala.org.au and I want to put my own domain.
Santiago Martínez de la Riva
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405
Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama(a)gbif.es
28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es
Hi all,
How can I do to centre the maps in SPAIN and not in Australia?
For Example: the map that is shown in the search by shapefile. (Image1)
Kind Regards
Santiago Martínez de la Riva
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405
Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama(a)gbif.es
28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es