I am quite new to this list so hello to everyone.
Maybe I just missed something but here is my question.
I am setting up an IPT node on our site. As IPT is not too much of a
load it could run on a server that has other tasks as well.
I have managed to set the IPT up and running via apache mod_proxy
using jetty. I have daemonized it to a service on port 8080.
The version I am using is ipt-2.0.2-SNAPSHOT-r3084.
My ipt.properties is as follows:
and apache configured as:
ProxyPass /ipt/ http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse /ipt/ http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /ipt /
ProxyPreserveHost On
Alias /ipt "/opt/ipt/webapp"
<Directory "/opt/ipt/webapp">
My problem - the IPT runs fine - I can make changes for example in
source data SQL configuration part. but whenever the application(IPT)
has to call sitename.domain/ipt/admin/user.do
it calls sitename.domain/admin/user.do instead and understandably fails.
My question - is there a good documentation source for the
ipt.properties file? If not then could you tell me what is the "proxy"
configuration parameter for?
Hope that the explanation is detailed enough.
IMHO a configuration file should have documentation for each and every
parameter written inside the file. It would help a lot.
Best wishes,
Janno Jõgeva
University of Tartu
Natural History Museum
Hi all
When doing an installation of the new IPT2 on Tomcat 7 last week at the Vavilov Institute, we found that the DarwinCore Germplasm extension was not available for installation. Is it only in the dev reg?
Jonas Nordling, NordGen
I check the Google code site and my installation of the IPT, and I
can't found any way to install a new custom non-gbif extension.
¿Is there a way to do it or will be a way to do it?
¿where can i get the format of the extensions if I want to write my
own extensions?
Aurelio Sanabria