I am attempting to educate myself about IPT and to do so have read the
User Manual and looked at the website. In the May 2009 version of the
manual on p.35 it says that a GUID for the record is optional but will
be generated automatically if not mapped. I have been unable to find
details about how this works. What I am curious about is:
1. What type of GUID is generated (LSID, http uri, or something else)?
2. If it is either an LSID or http uri based on the format of an LSID,
what is the authority? gbif.org ?
3. If it is either an LSID or http uri based on the format of an LSID,
how is the namespace determined? Is this assigned by GBIF or negotiated
during the process of setting up the IPT instance?
I'm assuming that the identifier part of the LSID (if it is
LSID-related) is the source ID provided by the user.
Steve Baskauf
Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences
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