[Global Registry of Scientific Collections] New view of the data: related records

Marie Grosjean mgrosjean at gbif.org
Wed Nov 22 16:13:56 UTC 2023

Hello GRSciColl friends,

We have enabled the “related” specimen view on the GRSciColl portal. This view can be accessed from collections and institution pages like here<https://scientific-collections.gbif.org/collection/8c49fd2c-4da9-4779-96bc-d363d85f67f4/specimens?view=CLUSTERS> or from the specimen search like here<https://scientific-collections.gbif.org/specimen/search?view=CLUSTERS>.
If you are interested in knowing more about this feature, I suggest checking this video<https://vimeo.com/881596676> and blogpost<https://data-blog.gbif.org/post/clustering-occurrences/>.

A reminder that we have our first community call next week: the 29th of November 15:00 CET. You can register for the event here<https://www.gbif.org/event/686uY1fQAo8N8mb98Q2GEa/global-registry-of-scientific-collections-grscicoll-community-call>. This event will be an opportunity to discuss and work on the data schema review, see this news item<https://www.gbif.org/news/6QmgDWnOORMkZIG9xvZAD/community-review-of-data-schema-for-grscicoll-opens>. Any help is appreciated!

Please send questions or feedback to scientific-collections at gbif.org<mailto:scientific-collections at gbif.org>.
All the best,

Marie Grosjean (mgrosjean at gbif.org<mailto:mgrosjean at gbif.org>)
Data Administrator
GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK
URL: http://www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/>

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