[Hosted-Portals] Map options

Morten Høfft mhoefft at gbif.org
Tue Jun 28 11:54:41 UTC 2022

We just added more map options to your websites. It is now possible to change map projections and change base maps.

Your sites default to showing only the Mercator projection. Just as it was before. But it can now be configured to

  *   Show Mercator, Plate Caree, Arctic and Antarctic (same projections as on GBIF.org)
  *   A selection of differently styled base maps
  *   Language support (e.g. Spanish or Japanese base maps)
  *   Add satellite tiles and terrain tiles from Maptiler (requires you to get a free access key)

You can read more here:
Documentation: https://hp-theme.gbif-staging.org/data-exploration-config#map-options
Satellite and terrain maps: https://github.com/gbif/hosted-portals/issues/229
Antarctic map as default: https://hp-antarctic.gbif-staging.org/occurrence/search/?view=MAP

Feel free to reach out if you want to add more map types to your site, but aren’t sure how to go about it.


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