[Bid-community] Introduction - The Mauritius Herbarium

Dimitri Brosens dimitri.brosens at inbo.be
Wed Nov 29 12:55:57 CET 2017

Hi Claudia,

Same message he, don't hesitate to contact me, preferably in issues related
with the standardization/publication of the data.


On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 8:53 PM, Jean Ganglo <ganglocj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Claudia,
> I am happy to read you. Don't hesitate to contact me if I am useful for
> your initiatives.
> My best regards
> Yours sincerely
> Jean
> 2017-11-27 11:38 GMT+01:00 Mauritius Herbarium <
> mauritiusherbarium at gmail.com>:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am Claudia Baider, Brazilian-born working in Mauritius for over 15
>> years.
>> I am currently in charge of The Mauritius Herbarium. My main research
>> interest is in the conservation of biodiversity in tropical terrestrial
>> systems focusing on the Amazon, the Atlantic forests and, more recently,
>> the Mascarenes (located within the Madagascar and SW Indian Ocean
>> Biodiversity hotspot) where I investigate the impact of invasive alien
>> species on its biodiversity. I am also interested in restoration ecology
>> and taxonomy of Mascarene flowering plants.
>> Over the last decade, The Mauritius Herbarium has databased and barcoded
>> most of its collections. Our aim now is to apply international standards
>> for making data available on our website, and in a regional and global
>> portals. We are also working with a local NGO that is is spearheading a
>> project on organic farming that wishes to make the results of this project
>> available local and internationally. We received a BID-AFRICA 2017 grant
>> (BID-AF2017-0316-SMA) for the project 'Getting the plants to all:
>> dissemination of information from the collection of The Mauritius
>> Herbarium" (https://www.gbif.org/project/aRCxBBF1BYU2C0us62ea4/getting-
>> the-plants-to-all-dissemination-of-information-from-the-
>> collection-of-the-mauritius-herbarium).
>> With my best wishes, Claudia
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Dr Claudia Baider, The Mauritius Herbarium, RE Vaughan Building (MSIRI
>> compound), Agricultural Services, Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food
>> Security. Reduit, Postal code 80835, Mauritius. Phone +(230) 4541061
>> <+230%20454%201061>. https://scholar.google.com/cit
>> ations?user=dpFq8_8AAAAJ&hl=en
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> --
> Jean C. GANGLO
> Professor of Forestry and Plant sociology.
> Director of the Laboratory of Forest Sciences.
> Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
> University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
> Node Manager of GBIF in Benin.
> BP 1493 Calavi, Benin
> E-mail: ganglocj at gmail.com
> Tel: 00229 66 36 37 70 / 00229 94 57 89 15
> Skype: ganglocossi
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Belgian Biodiversity Platform

Dimitri Brosens

Biodiversity Research Liaison Officer

Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Brussels

ORCID: 0000-0002-0846-9116

http://vimeo.com/114955090 (data publication activities)
http://vimeo.com/114955160 (science-policy activities)
http://vimeo.com/114955193 (our general mission)

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