[API-users] API v1.0 release

Markus Döring mdoering at gbif.org
Tue Jul 8 16:35:45 CEST 2014

Dear GBIF API users,

we are getting close to releasing the final version 1.0 of the GBIF API. If all goes well we will go live later this week.
There will be minor changes in the API compared to what is live today, please see below for more details.

With the arrival of version 1.0 we will also change the base URL of the API to finally become:


To give you some time to adapt we will also keep the v0.9 URL running up to the end of August, serving the exact same content.

With v1 existing we also promise to keep the API stable. This means we won't rename or remove any REST resources or response properties to be backwards compatible, but we might add new resources to the API to be announced in this list. Bug fixes and additions will result in minor version changes which are not reflected in the API URL, only in the documentation and our Java client code.

As usual if you notice problems or need help with the API feel invited to post questions in this list. 

with thanks,
GBIF dev team

Version 1.0 changes:
 - remove all underscores from URLs and replace them with camelCase (mainly species & metrics API)
 - dataset.owningOrganizationKey renamed to dataset.publishingOrganizationKey
 - use of lists instead of simple strings for email, phone, homepage, position and address for contacts, organization and node in the registry
 - include issue column in dwca download
 - search facets use country iso 2letter codes
 - species & dataset suggest returns minimal information now: http://api.gbif-uat.org/v0.9/species/suggest?q=Dracul
 - remove reverse geocode & mendeley GBIF articles from our API

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