[API-users] GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge

Kyle Copas [GBIF] kcopas at gbif.org
Thu Dec 4 17:28:21 CET 2014

No disrespect intended to the group, but I neglected to alert the API users list to Tuesday's launch of the re-engineered GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge.

If you haven’t seen the announcement through other channels, please do have a look at either the announcement or the Challenge website on ChallengePost.

My sincere apologies for this sin of omission!

Kyle Copas
Science Writer
+45 35 32 14 75 | mobile +45 28 75 14 75 | Skype kylecopas

GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
2100 Copenhagen Ø
http://www.gbif.org <http://www.gbif.org/>
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