Dear GBIF Friends, In the IPT v2.3.2 it is possible to select the default value “Occurrence” for the basisOfRecord in the mapping screen. This value is not in the basisOfRecord Enum [1]. Is this a replacement of the “observation” value? If so, does this value has the same purpose als the old Observation value? [1] http://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/BasisOfRecord... <http://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/BasisOfRecord.html> All the best, Xander van der Sar data manager NLBIF

Dear Xander, GBIF interprets basisOfRecord "Occurrence" as "Unknown". To see this, you can compare the verbatim and information/interpreted tabs on this example record<http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1143285218> [1]. The IPT's Occurrence Core extension<http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml> [2] actually references the following version of the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary<http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/dwc/basis_of_record.xml> [3]. It includes the value "Occurrence", however, its definition warns users that it is ambiguous and that it should only be used when the resource type is unknown. To encourage users to select the most specific basisOfRecord possible, the IPT's data validation also flags the number of occurrence records with basisOfRecord "Occurrence" and warns users that this value is ambiguous. Best regards, Kyle [1] http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1143285218 [2] http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml [3] http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/dwc/basis_of_record.xml From: IPT <ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org>> on behalf of Xander van der Sar <x.vandersar@gmail.com<mailto:x.vandersar@gmail.com>> Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 11:38 To: "ipt@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>" <ipt@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>> Cc: Peter Frigge <p.frigge@ravon.nl<mailto:p.frigge@ravon.nl>> Subject: [IPT] usage of occurrence in basiOfRecord. Dear GBIF Friends, In the IPT v2.3.2 it is possible to select the default value "Occurrence" for the basisOfRecord in the mapping screen. This value is not in the basisOfRecord Enum [1]. Is this a replacement of the "observation" value? If so, does this value has the same purpose als the old Observation value? [1] http://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/BasisOfRecord... All the best, Xander van der Sar data manager NLBIF

Thanks for the insight, Kyle. We will go for the HumanObservation. All the best, Xander
Op 9 dec. 2015, om 14:50 heeft Kyle Braak <kbraak@gbif.org> het volgende geschreven:
Dear Xander,
GBIF interprets basisOfRecord “Occurrence” as “Unknown”. To see this, you can compare the verbatim and information/interpreted tabs on this example record <http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1143285218> [1].
The IPT’s Occurrence Core extension <http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml> [2] actually references the following version of the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary <http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/dwc/basis_of_record.xml> [3]. It includes the value “Occurrence”, however, its definition warns users that it is ambiguous and that it should only be used when the resource type is unknown.
To encourage users to select the most specific basisOfRecord possible, the IPT’s data validation also flags the number of occurrence records with basisOfRecord “Occurrence” and warns users that this value is ambiguous.
Best regards,
[1] http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1143285218 <http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/1143285218> [2] http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml <http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml> [3] http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/dwc/basis_of_record.xml <http://rs.gbif.org/vocabulary/dwc/basis_of_record.xml>
From: IPT <ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org <mailto:ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org>> on behalf of Xander van der Sar <x.vandersar@gmail.com <mailto:x.vandersar@gmail.com>> Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 11:38 To: "ipt@lists.gbif.org <mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>" <ipt@lists.gbif.org <mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>> Cc: Peter Frigge <p.frigge@ravon.nl <mailto:p.frigge@ravon.nl>> Subject: [IPT] usage of occurrence in basiOfRecord.
Dear GBIF Friends,
In the IPT v2.3.2 it is possible to select the default value “Occurrence” for the basisOfRecord in the mapping screen. This value is not in the basisOfRecord Enum [1]. Is this a replacement of the “observation” value? If so, does this value has the same purpose als the old Observation value?
[1] http://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/BasisOfRecord... <http://gbif.github.io/gbif-api/apidocs/org/gbif/api/vocabulary/BasisOfRecord.html>
All the best,
Xander van der Sar
data manager NLBIF <Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 14.16.52.png>
participants (2)
Kyle Braak
Xander van der Sar