Hello group, Here comes an update to my e-mail below. I hope all of you received it. 1. Arrival to Leipzig. Practical information has been added, and might be further edited in our agenda document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rCca5wyJYN1fly3xUeSaAGe2q_H-6lWgiN4AdDrR.... I have a feeling that we have more topics to discuss than we currently have there in the doc. In addition, we need to schedule skype sessions for John, shall we do 30 mins wrap + Skype ups at the end of each day? 2. Food intolerances. As no one replied, we trust the information in the travel form = no food limitations0 3. Doodle for the dates for the second meeting http://doodle.com/poll/6kv5x2ng7sst32nr. There is only one person answered so far - and it's me. 4. The survey was now drafted in the Survey Monkey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MM6RW6T, feel free to test-answer this and send me you suggestions, preferably before Wed next week. We will of course continue in Leipzig. I also attach a PDF version of the same draft if you are more comfortable with the printout. Note that the survey is much shorter than the ones used by GBIF fitness for use groups before (which maybe a good thing), but also some questions and answers were formulated differently. You might want to compare your latest draft with the earlier surveys archived for you here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzrSPi8wkHZ8Qnk0X3NuSmVhblU. Please refer to a particular question number and add your comments to top part of the same google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AIrL5yFvG-Oj1fyGPS1h9vRbSGCt8FFKD2ZuvIC6... In addition here are some good points from Mette Munk, a new secretary at GBIF who helped me with survey: ....discuss, which questions are the most important for you to get answers to. People tend to lose interest/concentration after a while so it's best to put the less important questions at the end - for instance which institution they're from, what their role is - although it may seem to make more sense to put this at the top - it's questions that the person answering doesn't need to think about, so it might be better to put them at the end. .... think about what exactly you need the answers for? There are a lot of multiple choice questions and free text questions - this will provide a very vague survey, but if what you need is input and ideas then this would be ok - but if you need answers to specific questions you should make sure they're in the questionnaire and that the answer options are very specific (yes/no, 2 years/10 years etc.). I you have not gone through my previous e-mail yet, please browse the list below. Please let me know in case there are some questions concerning the meeting in Leipzig. I will arrive on 8 July straight to the last day of the GEO BON conference Many thanks. Best regards, Dmitry Schigel From: Dmitry Schigel Sent: 28 June 2016 11:42 To: 'Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species' Cc: 'Susanne Sheldon' Subject: before Leipzig Hello group, Thanks for all the updates made to Google Drive so far, here come some important news and updates: · SEE UPDATE ABOVE Your arrival to Leipzig. We are working on the arrival instructions which will be circulated to you in early July, i.e. very soon. I understood that most of us are staying the hotel Balance Leipzig. · SEE UDATE ABOVE Food intolerances. There won't be too many eateries open on weekend around iDIV, so we are thinking to order some sandwiches for lunch on Sat and Sun. We can have warm meals in the evening, and the breakfast should be ok in the hotel. If we go for the sandwich option, we won't lose time wandering around, and we anyhow have close to two, not three days after all. Please inform on any food intolerances and allergies so we are sure about that. · SEE UPDATE ABOVE Survey draft. Please let me know who of you is still working or plans to work on the draft<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AIrL5yFvG-Oj1fyGPS1h9vRbSGCt8FFKD2ZuvIC6mZ4>? Is it intended to have it that short, or do you plan to expand it later? My practical questions is to move it to Survey monkey now or later this week? Remember to browse the earlier GBIF surveys and survey summaries for inspiration and ideas (earlier surveys https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzrSPi8wkHZ8Qnk0X3NuSmVhblU, agrobiodiversity report<http://www.gbif.org/resource/82283> includes survey summary, distribution modelling report<http://www.gbif.org/resource/82612> is separate from the DM survey summary<http://www.gbif.org/system/files_force/gbif_resource/resource-82612/Survey_summary.pdf?download=1>). · Doodle for the II meeting dates. Because of the travel limitations in the group the 2nd in/person meeting will need to take place as originally agreed, sometime in October and very likely in Australia. We will know the state of our travel budget after you claim your Leipzig costs after the meeting, but we need to agree on the dates soon. Remember that we need three full days, excluding travel dates, so choose option with enough dates around for your travel. Here is a link to choose the options: http://doodle.com/poll/6kv5x2ng7sst32nr Please choose asap. Plus here are various additional points: · You can find minutes from the latest Skype call here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TECXyiGfuhMi6PLnp55jHngc0rznkqqDqO9hMWbVrMI/edit>. · In/soon after Leipzig, according to ToRs<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzrSPi8wkHZ8d1lXOHdrc1ZOaGM>, and we are expected to produce a short intermediate report in July 2016. In addition to here-we-are-we-started-to-work, we could include the section structure and some early recommendation that would take shape after Leipzig. This can be very short, 3-4 pages, and it is likely to be included to the document package that is distributed before the GBIF Governing Board meeting, which will take place in October in Brasilia. As Shyama will be attending an IAS meeting in Samoa in August, the key points from the intermediate report could be packed into the presentation. We are working on a GBIF slide doc template that could be a nice way to pack the intermediate report. · The expert list<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Byyg7vYAqPoWCdkI_wU6PLsycQw6nq4J4ZSx303y6F8> for use in survey is nearly complete, only names from Gregory are missing. Feel free to add more than 10 key names! · Please don't postpone adding your topics, ideas, section to the report draft<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FOX4m6FAF38jcuXieIVK-nuy86Jfl2hnUo4LmSBCIVo>, the texts do not need to be perfect and final, it's a working document. Use and contribute to collection of resource documents<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_uojZ1Ob6Czb3ozOEZocFlkRUk> and references<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_uojZ1Ob6CzZkRFOFlEVURYR3c>. Thanks, Dmitry Schigel, PhD Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø DENMARK Office +45 35 32 14 85 Mobile +45 30 45 02 25 E-mail dschigel@gbif.org<mailto:dschigel@gbif.org> Web www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/> [GBIFlogoNO_TEXT_50%]

Thanks Dmitry. Will respond later today with some updates on itinerary and suggestions. I have no food restrictions. Regards, Greg From: DFFU_IAS [mailto:dffu_ias-bounces@lists.gbif.org] On Behalf Of Dmitry Schigel Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 7:28 AM To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species <dffu_ias@lists.gbif.org> Subject: [DFFU_IAS] UPDATE before Leipzig Hello group, Here comes an update to my e-mail below. I hope all of you received it. 1. Arrival to Leipzig. Practical information has been added, and might be further edited in our agenda document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rCca5wyJYN1fly3xUeSaAGe2q_H-6lWgiN4AdDrR.... I have a feeling that we have more topics to discuss than we currently have there in the doc. In addition, we need to schedule skype sessions for John, shall we do 30 mins wrap + Skype ups at the end of each day? 2. Food intolerances. As no one replied, we trust the information in the travel form = no food limitations0 3. Doodle for the dates for the second meeting http://doodle.com/poll/6kv5x2ng7sst32nr. There is only one person answered so far - and it's me. 4. The survey was now drafted in the Survey Monkey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MM6RW6T, feel free to test-answer this and send me you suggestions, preferably before Wed next week. We will of course continue in Leipzig. I also attach a PDF version of the same draft if you are more comfortable with the printout. Note that the survey is much shorter than the ones used by GBIF fitness for use groups before (which maybe a good thing), but also some questions and answers were formulated differently. You might want to compare your latest draft with the earlier surveys archived for you here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzrSPi8wkHZ8Qnk0X3NuSmVhblU. Please refer to a particular question number and add your comments to top part of the same google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AIrL5yFvG-Oj1fyGPS1h9vRbSGCt8FFKD2ZuvIC6... In addition here are some good points from Mette Munk, a new secretary at GBIF who helped me with survey: ....discuss, which questions are the most important for you to get answers to. People tend to lose interest/concentration after a while so it's best to put the less important questions at the end - for instance which institution they're from, what their role is - although it may seem to make more sense to put this at the top - it's questions that the person answering doesn't need to think about, so it might be better to put them at the end. .... think about what exactly you need the answers for? There are a lot of multiple choice questions and free text questions - this will provide a very vague survey, but if what you need is input and ideas then this would be ok - but if you need answers to specific questions you should make sure they're in the questionnaire and that the answer options are very specific (yes/no, 2 years/10 years etc.). I you have not gone through my previous e-mail yet, please browse the list below. Please let me know in case there are some questions concerning the meeting in Leipzig. I will arrive on 8 July straight to the last day of the GEO BON conference Many thanks. Best regards, Dmitry Schigel From: Dmitry Schigel Sent: 28 June 2016 11:42 To: 'Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species' Cc: 'Susanne Sheldon' Subject: before Leipzig Hello group, Thanks for all the updates made to Google Drive so far, here come some important news and updates: · SEE UPDATE ABOVE Your arrival to Leipzig. We are working on the arrival instructions which will be circulated to you in early July, i.e. very soon. I understood that most of us are staying the hotel Balance Leipzig. · SEE UDATE ABOVE Food intolerances. There won't be too many eateries open on weekend around iDIV, so we are thinking to order some sandwiches for lunch on Sat and Sun. We can have warm meals in the evening, and the breakfast should be ok in the hotel. If we go for the sandwich option, we won't lose time wandering around, and we anyhow have close to two, not three days after all. Please inform on any food intolerances and allergies so we are sure about that. · SEE UPDATE ABOVE Survey draft. Please let me know who of you is still working or plans to work on the draft<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AIrL5yFvG-Oj1fyGPS1h9vRbSGCt8FFKD2ZuvIC6mZ4>? Is it intended to have it that short, or do you plan to expand it later? My practical questions is to move it to Survey monkey now or later this week? Remember to browse the earlier GBIF surveys and survey summaries for inspiration and ideas (earlier surveys https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzrSPi8wkHZ8Qnk0X3NuSmVhblU, agrobiodiversity report<http://www.gbif.org/resource/82283> includes survey summary, distribution modelling report<http://www.gbif.org/resource/82612> is separate from the DM survey summary<http://www.gbif.org/system/files_force/gbif_resource/resource-82612/Survey_summary.pdf?download=1>). · Doodle for the II meeting dates. Because of the travel limitations in the group the 2nd in/person meeting will need to take place as originally agreed, sometime in October and very likely in Australia. We will know the state of our travel budget after you claim your Leipzig costs after the meeting, but we need to agree on the dates soon. Remember that we need three full days, excluding travel dates, so choose option with enough dates around for your travel. Here is a link to choose the options: http://doodle.com/poll/6kv5x2ng7sst32nr Please choose asap. Plus here are various additional points: · You can find minutes from the latest Skype call here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TECXyiGfuhMi6PLnp55jHngc0rznkqqDqO9hMWbVrMI/edit>. · In/soon after Leipzig, according to ToRs<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzrSPi8wkHZ8d1lXOHdrc1ZOaGM>, and we are expected to produce a short intermediate report in July 2016. In addition to here-we-are-we-started-to-work, we could include the section structure and some early recommendation that would take shape after Leipzig. This can be very short, 3-4 pages, and it is likely to be included to the document package that is distributed before the GBIF Governing Board meeting, which will take place in October in Brasilia. As Shyama will be attending an IAS meeting in Samoa in August, the key points from the intermediate report could be packed into the presentation. We are working on a GBIF slide doc template that could be a nice way to pack the intermediate report. · The expert list<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Byyg7vYAqPoWCdkI_wU6PLsycQw6nq4J4ZSx303y6F8> for use in survey is nearly complete, only names from Gregory are missing. Feel free to add more than 10 key names! · Please don't postpone adding your topics, ideas, section to the report draft<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FOX4m6FAF38jcuXieIVK-nuy86Jfl2hnUo4LmSBCIVo>, the texts do not need to be perfect and final, it's a working document. Use and contribute to collection of resource documents<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_uojZ1Ob6Czb3ozOEZocFlkRUk> and references<https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_uojZ1Ob6CzZkRFOFlEVURYR3c>. Thanks, Dmitry Schigel, PhD Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø DENMARK Office +45 35 32 14 85 Mobile +45 30 45 02 25 E-mail dschigel@gbif.org<mailto:dschigel@gbif.org> Web www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/> [GBIFlogoNO_TEXT_50%]
participants (2)
Dmitry Schigel
Ruiz, Gregory