Hello group, Please share, tweet, FB, etc. http://www.gbif.org/newsroom/news/invasive-alien-species-surveys-open We are at a healthy 58 responses now, thanks to your patience to remind your power users. Let's see where we are in one month from now. I can imagine that Tim Hirsch and Shyama will use IUCN congress to promote the survey, and Quentin will do the same are NEOBIOTA. Please let me know any support from the Secretariat in pushing this ahead. Best regards, Dmitry Schigel, PhD Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø DENMARK Office +45 35 32 14 85 Mobile +45 30 45 02 25 E-mail dschigel@gbif.org Web www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/> [GBIFlogoNO_TEXT_50%]