Dear all, Please find the symposium info attached and linked here Alien Species in the Holarctic - http://www.sevin.ru/ASHolarctic/Index.html In Uglich, Russia on 25-30 September 2017. According to Varos Petrosyan (cc), international participation is very welcome. Please make sure this message reaches the potentially interested contacts in your network. GBIF will announce this event as public at GBIF.org. Best regards, Dmitry Schigel Dmitry Schigel, PhD Scientific Officer Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø DENMARK Office +45 35 32 14 85 Mobile +45 30 45 02 25 E-mail dschigel@gbif.org<mailto:dschigel@gbif.org> Web www.gbif.org<http://www.gbif.org/> [GBIFlogoNO_TEXT_50%]