Dear COL users, today is the day we will turn the switch and move to our original and final domain. COL API, Portal and ChecklistBank will be migrating away from catalogue.life and instead be accessible through: COL Portal: https://www.<https://www.catalogueoflife.org/>catalogueoflife.org/<https://data.catalogue.life/> COL ChecklistBank https://data.catalogueoflife.org/ COL API: https://api.catalogue.life/ https://api.<https://api.catalogueoflife.org/dataset/3LR>catalogueoflife.org<https://data.catalogue.life/>/dataset/3LR Feedback: feedback@catalogueoflife.org<mailto:feedback@catalogueoflife.org> We plan to make the switch ~10am CET. From that moment on the previous Catalogue of Life website will not be available anymore. Regards, Markus -- Markus Döring Lead Developer Catalogue of Life Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) mdoering@gbif.org<mailto:mdoering@gbif.org> http://www.gbif.org