Hi Dave, I don't have this directory/file in my system: /data/biocache/vocab/statePorvinces.txt. I have realized that other files are refered when the process records procedure is executed, e.g: 2014-09-25 20:29:45,316 INFO : [Vocab] - Reading internal vocab file: /kingdoms.txt 2014-09-25 20:29:49,946 INFO : [Vocab] - Reading internal vocab file: /basisOfRecord.txt Also I would like to customize the vocab of basis of record, but Should be these files in the same directory, /data/biocache/vocab which I don't have in my server :$?? Thanks in advance, Santi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es ________________________________________ De: David.Martin@csiro.au [David.Martin@csiro.au] Enviado el: viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014 4:48 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; daniel.lins@gmail.com CC: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] biocache-hubs customizations Thanks Santiago, Daniel. I thought I should add that state/territory values are added during the processing. You¹ve probably noticed they are only limited to Australian states. Theres two ways the stateProvince values are added: 1) Intersection with a polygon layer. 2) Matching the stateProvince value supplied in the raw record. For 1), theres still work to be done for the ala-demo to package up more of the GIS components to enable support for sampling. So for now 2) is the only option. To do this you can override the vocabulary file by including your own version here: /data/biocache/vocab/stateProvinces.txt The format of these files is tab separated like so: Canonical form, variant1, variant2, variant3 E.g. New South Wales, NSW, N. South Wales To pick up changes to vocab files, you¹ll need to: 1) change the files 2) re-process 3) re-index Hope this helps. Dave On 25/09/2014 10:26 pm, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <sama@gbif.es> wrote:
Thanks Daniel,
In the first part I don't refer to title, I refer to list of Facet names, that for the case of State/Territory, are: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia....and more, how can I customize this list? In the second point, I understand that I can locate the biocache-hub locally, and only I have to indicate the path in the BuildConfig.groovy file. Is it right?
Thanks in advance, Santi
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es
________________________________________ De: Daniel Lins [daniel.lins@gmail.com] Enviado el: jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014 13:16 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva CC: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] biocache-hubs customizations
Hi Santi!
First Question:
If you only need to change these names, you can use the i18n. For example:
_advanced.gsp file:
<td class="labels"><g:message code="advancedsearch.table06col02.title" default="State/Territory"/></td>
i18n/messages.properties file:
advancedsearch.table06col02.title = Estado/Território
Second Question:
You can change your BuildConfig.groovy file, in generic-hub/grails-app/conf/.
You need to include the biocache-hubs project location and comment the runtime configuration.
grails.plugin.location.'biocache-hubs' = "../biocache-hubs"
//runtime ":biocache-hubs:0.57"
Hope this helps,
-- Daniel Lins da Silva (Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050 Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil daniellins@usp.br<mailto:daniellins@usp.br> daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com>
2014-09-25 7:41 GMT-03:00 Santiago Martinez de la Riva <sama@gbif.es<mailto:sama@gbif.es>>: Hi all,
I have two questions:
First: I want to change some FacetNames such as State/Territory, Local Govt. Area in the _advanced.gsp, but I don't know where is located this information. Could you give some tip?
and second: If I modify the biocache-hub plug-in how can i do that generic-hub uses my new biocache-hub?
Thanks so muchh!!! Kind regards, Santi.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES<http://GBIF.ES>, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273<tel:%2B34%2091%204203017%20x%20273> Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405<tel:%2B34%2091%20429%202405> Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es<mailto:sama@gbif.es> 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es<http://www.gbif.es> _______________________________________________ Ala-portal mailing list Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org> http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ala-portal
_______________________________________________ Ala-portal mailing list Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ala-portal