Hi Suelane, The images you sent through (screen shots) are too small to be able to read any of the text. Could you please send us larger versions of those files (full size if possible). The GBIF list may be processing or blocking large attachments so could also CC us directly via the email address: support@ala.org.au? Regards Nick -- Nick dos Remedios Atlas of Living Australia http://www.ala.org.au/ From: "Suelane G. Fontes" <suelane@uol.com.br<mailto:suelane@uol.com.br>> Date: Tuesday, 1 April 2014 4:25 am To: "ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org>" <ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org>> Cc: "silvio.stanzani@gmail.com<mailto:silvio.stanzani@gmail.com>" <silvio.stanzani@gmail.com<mailto:silvio.stanzani@gmail.com>> Subject: [Ala-portal] internationalization problems Hi, We are developing the Portuguese version of ALA portal using the internationalization mechanisms provided by ALA. 1) We provided translation for the “view register” functionality as shown in figure 1. Most terms were found in “recordCoreDiv.jsp” file, but terms such as Data provider name, Data provider uid, Institution uid And so on, could no be found in that file. Where is the right location to find such terms? 2) Where can I find the terms which appears in the combo box “environmental layer”? such combo is shown in figure 2: 3) In the advanced research tab there are fields which we could not find, as shown in figure 3. Where should I found such terms? 4) After the internationalization process a number of codification errors appeared as shown in figure 4. How can I set the correct codification in ALA Portal in order to properly show the Portuguese characters, such as: ~, ` and ´ . The figures were uploaded as attachments. Thanks. Regards. _________________________________________________ Suelane Garcia Fontes (Cel) 55 11 99514-8170 Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil suelane@uol.com.br<mailto:suelane@uol.com.br>