Hi all, I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you. 1) DATASETS: http://datos.gbif.es/collectory/datasets/ In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next: TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false /collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16) 2) ADDING RESOURCES / COLLECTION / INSTITUTION: http://datos.gbif.es/collectory/public/show/in1 In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations: The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations: - The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2) - The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4) I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense. When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66 But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - http://datos.gbif.es/collectory/public/show/co3 (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - http://datos.gbif.es/collectory/public/show/co2 (ADMINA-FLORA) I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right? Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message. PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link http://datos.gbif.es/collectory, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es