Hi all, I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you. 1) DATASETS: In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next: TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false /collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16) 2) ADDING RESOURCES / COLLECTION / INSTITUTION: In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations: The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations: - The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2) - The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4) I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense. When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66 But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA) I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right? Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message. PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain

Thanks Santiago. The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases. 1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1: The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of "" ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> ES version: <script src=" lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL= 2) To answer the specific questions: - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? Yes. - Could you explain how works this matching code? During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so: Example record: 9b999c collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr66 Web service lookup: To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN. I think this is an example problem record: 1c0560 collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40 Web service lookup: -2007 So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed. To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so: biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66 Hope this helps, Dave On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain

I should have added, it you find javascript that needs i18n, please raise a bug for this in github. We have tried to ensure all javascript is using i18n, but we may have missed a few things. Cheers Dave On 15/09/2014 12:07 pm, "" <> wrote:
Thanks Santiago.
The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases.
1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1:
The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of ""
ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" m plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
ES version: <script src=" p lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL=
2) To answer the specific questions:
- Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations?
- Could you explain how works this matching code?
During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so:
Example record: 0 9b999c
collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN
Web service lookup:
To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN.
I think this is an example problem record: 5 1c0560
collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40
Web service lookup: A -2007
So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed.
To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so:
biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66
Hope this helps,
On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain
_______________________________________________ Ala-portal mailing list

Hi Dave, In the point one, I mean that when the user wants to filter the datasets by some words, the javascript "dataset.js" executes always the next code and this is a problem because, the searches always point to: In this case I have done a search in the vagrant machine with the word "universidad" and the response is this json request: It's obviously that this works in your demo-ala but not work in my case, because the datasets that I want to filter, are not in DATASET.JS function filterList() { // clear list of data sets clearList(); // clear search term $('#dr-search').val(''); // revert to full list resources = allResources; // aggregate all search criteria var searchTerms = []; $.each(currentFilters, function(i, obj) { if ( == 'contains') { searchTerms.push(obj.value.toLowerCase()); } }); // perform any solr search and wait for result if (searchTerms.length > 0) { $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','wait'); // build query string from terms var query = ''; $.each(searchTerms, function(i, term) { query += (i == 0) ? term : "&fq=text:" + term }); // do search HERE---------> $.ajax({url:"" + query + "&fq=idxtype:DATASET&pageSize=1000&sort=name", dataType:'jsonp', success: function(data) { var uids = extractListOfUidsFromSearchResults(data); applyFilters(uids); $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','default'); } }); } // no search - so just do it now else { // do it now applyFilters(); } } Kind regards Santi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain ________________________________________ De: [] Enviado el: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014 4:07 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION Thanks Santiago. The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases. 1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1: The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of "" ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> ES version: <script src=" lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL= 2) To answer the specific questions: - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? Yes. - Could you explain how works this matching code? During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so: Example record: 9b999c collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr66 Web service lookup: To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN. I think this is an example problem record: 1c0560 collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40 Web service lookup: -2007 So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed. To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so: biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66 Hope this helps, Dave On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain

Hi Dave, Thanks 4 this change in collectory - $.ajax({url: baseUrl + "/public/dataSetSearch?q=" + query,... -. I hope that I can understand better this project in a few weeks and I'm able to do these changes by myself. Cheers, Santi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain ________________________________________ De: [] En nombre de Santiago Martinez de la Riva [] Enviado el: miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014 9:02 Para:; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION Hi Dave, In the point one, I mean that when the user wants to filter the datasets by some words, the javascript "dataset.js" executes always the next code and this is a problem because, the searches always point to: In this case I have done a search in the vagrant machine with the word "universidad" and the response is this json request: It's obviously that this works in your demo-ala but not work in my case, because the datasets that I want to filter, are not in DATASET.JS function filterList() { // clear list of data sets clearList(); // clear search term $('#dr-search').val(''); // revert to full list resources = allResources; // aggregate all search criteria var searchTerms = []; $.each(currentFilters, function(i, obj) { if ( == 'contains') { searchTerms.push(obj.value.toLowerCase()); } }); // perform any solr search and wait for result if (searchTerms.length > 0) { $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','wait'); // build query string from terms var query = ''; $.each(searchTerms, function(i, term) { query += (i == 0) ? term : "&fq=text:" + term }); // do search HERE---------> $.ajax({url:"" + query + "&fq=idxtype:DATASET&pageSize=1000&sort=name", dataType:'jsonp', success: function(data) { var uids = extractListOfUidsFromSearchResults(data); applyFilters(uids); $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','default'); } }); } // no search - so just do it now else { // do it now applyFilters(); } } Kind regards Santi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain ________________________________________ De: [] Enviado el: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014 4:07 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION Thanks Santiago. The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases. 1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1: The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of "" ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> ES version: <script src=" lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL= 2) To answer the specific questions: - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? Yes. - Could you explain how works this matching code? During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so: Example record: 9b999c collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr66 Web service lookup: To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN. I think this is an example problem record: 1c0560 collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40 Web service lookup: -2007 So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed. To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so: biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66 Hope this helps, Dave On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain
Ala-portal mailing list

Thanks Santiago. Theres 2 issues here for the collectory: 1) dependence on BIE web service 2) ala.baseURL configuration which causes a problem with a javascript dependency We've just pushed out a 1.1.2 bug fix release (now deployed on This should fix 1). The ansible scripts are now using 1.1.2. For 2) the workaround for now will be to change your local configuration to ala.baseURL= This is something we're planning to refactor so there aren't references to Cheers Dave On 17/09/2014 5:02 pm, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi Dave,
In the point one, I mean that when the user wants to filter the datasets by some words, the javascript "dataset.js" executes always the next code and this is a problem because, the searches always point to:
In this case I have done a search in the vagrant machine with the word "universidad" and the response is this json request: e=1000&sort=name&callback=jQuery171022993668541156054_1410936808886&_=1410 937071339
It's obviously that this works in your demo-ala but not work in my case, because the datasets that I want to filter, are not in
function filterList() { // clear list of data sets clearList(); // clear search term $('#dr-search').val(''); // revert to full list resources = allResources;
// aggregate all search criteria var searchTerms = []; $.each(currentFilters, function(i, obj) { if ( == 'contains') { searchTerms.push(obj.value.toLowerCase()); } });
// perform any solr search and wait for result if (searchTerms.length > 0) { $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','wait'); // build query string from terms var query = ''; $.each(searchTerms, function(i, term) { query += (i == 0) ? term : "&fq=text:" + term }); // do search
HERE---------> $.ajax({url:"" + query + "&fq=idxtype:DATASET&pageSize=1000&sort=name", dataType:'jsonp', success: function(data) { var uids = extractListOfUidsFromSearchResults(data); applyFilters(uids); $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','default'); } }); } // no search - so just do it now else { // do it now applyFilters(); } }
Kind regards Santi
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain
________________________________________ De: [] Enviado el: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014 4:07 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION
Thanks Santiago.
The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases.
1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1:
The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of ""
ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" m plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
ES version: <script src=" p lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL=
2) To answer the specific questions:
- Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations?
- Could you explain how works this matching code?
During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so:
Example record: 0 9b999c
collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN
Web service lookup:
To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN.
I think this is an example problem record: 5 1c0560
collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40
Web service lookup: A -2007
So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed.
To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so:
biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66
Hope this helps,
On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain

Thanks again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain ________________________________________ De: [] Enviado el: miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014 12:22 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION Thanks Santiago. Theres 2 issues here for the collectory: 1) dependence on BIE web service 2) ala.baseURL configuration which causes a problem with a javascript dependency We've just pushed out a 1.1.2 bug fix release (now deployed on This should fix 1). The ansible scripts are now using 1.1.2. For 2) the workaround for now will be to change your local configuration to ala.baseURL= This is something we're planning to refactor so there aren't references to Cheers Dave On 17/09/2014 5:02 pm, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi Dave,
In the point one, I mean that when the user wants to filter the datasets by some words, the javascript "dataset.js" executes always the next code and this is a problem because, the searches always point to:
In this case I have done a search in the vagrant machine with the word "universidad" and the response is this json request: e=1000&sort=name&callback=jQuery171022993668541156054_1410936808886&_=1410 937071339
It's obviously that this works in your demo-ala but not work in my case, because the datasets that I want to filter, are not in
function filterList() { // clear list of data sets clearList(); // clear search term $('#dr-search').val(''); // revert to full list resources = allResources;
// aggregate all search criteria var searchTerms = []; $.each(currentFilters, function(i, obj) { if ( == 'contains') { searchTerms.push(obj.value.toLowerCase()); } });
// perform any solr search and wait for result if (searchTerms.length > 0) { $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','wait'); // build query string from terms var query = ''; $.each(searchTerms, function(i, term) { query += (i == 0) ? term : "&fq=text:" + term }); // do search
HERE---------> $.ajax({url:"" + query + "&fq=idxtype:DATASET&pageSize=1000&sort=name", dataType:'jsonp', success: function(data) { var uids = extractListOfUidsFromSearchResults(data); applyFilters(uids); $('.collectory-content').css('cursor','default'); } }); } // no search - so just do it now else { // do it now applyFilters(); } }
Kind regards Santi
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain
________________________________________ De: [] Enviado el: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014 4:07 Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva; Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] DATASETS and MANAGE RESOURCES / COLLECTION AND INSTITUTION
Thanks Santiago.
The released version of the collectory was actually 1.1.1. I can see you¹ve got the snapshot version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT running (if you view source the version is in the header). I don¹t think there are any commits for 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (yet), but we are trying to discourage folks from using snapshots and rely on the releases.
1) Heres the same page on the demo site with 1.1.1:
The problem has been caused by setting the configuration variable ³ala.baseURL² to "http://datos.gbif.es² instead of ""
ALA-DEMO version: <script src=" m plete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
ES version: <script src=" p lete.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
We have plans to remove this import from the collectory, but in the meantime to fix the problem, switch to ala.baseURL=
2) To answer the specific questions:
- Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations?
- Could you explain how works this matching code?
During the processing, when the biocache code encounters a new combination of institution code and collection code, it calls the collectory like so:
Example record: 0 9b999c
collectionCode=ADIMAN-FLORA institutionCode=ADIMAN
Web service lookup:
To be clear, the provider map codes should NOT be UIDs like ³co1² or ³in1². Provider map codes should be values that you are seeing in the raw data e.g. ADIMAN.
I think this is an example problem record: 5 1c0560
collectionCode=ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 institutionCode=ADIMAN dataResourceUid=dr40
Web service lookup: A -2007
So currently there isn¹t a mapping in place for that combination. I suspect what has happened is there have been changes to collectory configuration for these resources after the data was originally loaded + processed.
To be clear, if you make changes in the collectory mappings (provider codes, resource consumers etc), these will NOT be picked up in the searching until you re-run processing & indexing like so:
biocache process -dr dr66 biocache index -dr dr66
Hope this helps,
On 13/09/2014 12:18 am, "Santiago Martinez de la Riva" <> wrote:
Hi all,
I updated our collectory module with the last release, collectory 1.1.2. And I found two issues that I would like to comment you.
In this url the datasets are never loaded. You can see in the Firebug that the page has 3 erros, one of these is the next:
TypeError: jQuery(...).autocomplete is not a function selectFirst: false
/collec...tasets/ (línea 70, col 16)
In this context, we have one Institution (in1) that has 2 collections. Now I'm goin to explain the procedure that I do to create these relations:
The first thing that I do is upload the resource, and after, I create the entities for that collection and that instution. In this moment, I edit the data resource and the collection for creating the relations:
- The first collection "Inventario Fauna Vertebrada de la Manchuela Conquense (CUENCA), 2007 (ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007)" is related to the data resource "dr40" that has 2.790, the collection code is ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 and the internal code/id is co3. The record consumer of the data resource "dr40" are co3 and in1. (image_1) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution, the record cosumer are (view image_2)
- The second collection "Inventario de Flora y Vegetación del Municipio de Enguídanos (Cuenca), 2010 (ADIMAN-FLORA)" is related to the data resource "dr66" that has 5.291 records. The collection code is ADIMAN-FLORA and the internal code/id is co2. The record consumer of the data resource "dr66" are co2 and in1. (image_3) but when I create the relation between this collection and the institution the record cosumer are: (view image_4)
I think that in both cases, image_2 and image_4, are wrong, because, how is it possible that one collection contributes with digitised records to the other? This doesn't make sense.
When I have created this structure, then I do the ingest of these resource: ingest -dr dr40 ingest -dr dr66
But, what is my surprise that when I access to the page of each resource, I see that the total records of ADIMAN-MANCHUELA-2007 is the sum of the record of both collections, and ADIMAN-FLORA doesn't have records. You can see this in this links: - (ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007) - (ADMINA-FLORA)
I can also create the provider Map for both cases, but I don't exactly know, if the provider codes have to be the internal codes like: in1, co2 and co3 or the orginal codes like ADMIN, ADIMAN-FLORA and ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007. In the image_5 and image_6, you can see the ProviderMap for this case. Two question? - Is it necessary the use of these provider maps to create the relations? - Could you explain how works this matching code? I mean, It's possible that in one collection we have two collection codes, For example: in ADIMAN-MACHUELA-2007 we have other collection code that is ADIMAN-CENSOAVUTARDA-2008. I figure up that I can define these rules with the parameters: "exact" and "Match Any Collection Code". Is right?
Thanks so much for the help and sorry for this long message.
PD: I'm working also with the i18n, and soon we will have translated and implemented all the variables in the project. You can see some advance in this link, I have had to edit some javascripts to do all the translation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 28014 Madrid, Spain
participants (2)
Santiago Martinez de la Riva