[IPT] Login page missing in French installation

John R. WIECZOREK tuco at berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 13 12:28:40 CET 2009

We think it would be extremely helpful from the development standpoint
to remove Appfuse from IPT. It has taken about a week to figure out
the of not seeing the login page as Michael Akbaraly discovered and
reported. It turns out, after some three-way troubleshooting this
morning, that the Login screen invokes appfuse for authentication and
can't read the struts properties. This results in a blank login page
(no source either) whenever the system language is not english.
Michael changed his Ubuntu system language setting to english and ran
the application and it worked fine. Supporting evidence comes when
running revision 1646 in an english environment. Run the IPT, select
the flag for France and the interface changes to French (except for
the version in the footer - different manifestation of the same
problem?). Select the "Connexion" button - the login page does appear,
but using only the default properties (it appears all in English,
including the version).

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