[API-users] Clipping occurrence data to a country

Adriaan van Os adriaan at adriaan.biz
Thu Jan 10 14:37:51 CET 2019

Matthew Blissett wrote:
> Hi Adriaan,
> Could you give an example?

Well, I just started with the A, doing my iteration with "&country=NL" added to the http request 
and "-nl" addded to the filename. As you can see below, they all compare negative.









I stopped there, but could list a few hundred more ....

I iterate prcedurally

$nHttpResponse:=HTTP Get($tURL;$uTile;$atHeaderNames;$atHeaderValues)

where $nz=7
$sCountry:="&country=NL" (or an empty string)
$sSuffix:="-nl" (or an empty string)
$nTaxonKey comes from a database table, imported from the GBIF backbone


Adriaan van Os

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