Re: [Global Registry of Scientific Collections] Adding images to GRSciColl pages, access Latimer Core formatted data and ongoing discussions

Hello GRSciColl friends, Our developers have implemented some changes in GRSciColl. The details were listed in my previous email and accessible on this forum post<>. Notable changes are that: * You can now access GRSciColl data as JSON following the Latimer Core standard. You can do so for any entry, from the editing interface (click on the “More” button in the upper right corner and “Download as Latimer Core). Here is an example: * You can now add featured images to your GRSciColl pages. The idea is to make those pages more visual and customizable. For example, you could have a picture of your institution, or of a drawer, or of a specimen or a staff group photo, etc. See these two examples: * * Note that most entries won’t have any image. What do you think the idea of pulling images from homepage when available? Here<> are three examples where we tried using the homepage opengraph:image metatag. The images aren’t always relevant but make the GRSciColl pages more visual. What do you think? Let me know. Thanks! You are welcome to participate in our ongoing discussion on whether GRSciColl should mint DOIs for collections. You will find the thread here<>. As always, thank you for helping improve GRSciColl! Let us know if you have any question. All the best, Marie -- Marie Grosjean (<>) Data Administrator GBIF Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK URL:<>
participants (1)
Marie Grosjean