Hello GRSciColl friends,


I am writing to let you know that we need some input on the GRSciColl data schema.

As you might already know, one of the items on the GRSciColl 2023/2024 Road map is to review and simplify the GRSciColl schema as well as map it with Latimer Core. To facilitate this review process and collect input, we set up the following:


In addition to that, we have now a date for our first community call: the 29th of November 15:00 CET. You can register for the event here. This event will be an opportunity to discuss and work on the review.


You are very welcome to review as much of the schema as you like. You don’t have to give input on all the fields and vocabularies. Any help is appreciated!

Please send questions or feedback to scientific-collections@gbif.org.

All the best,




Marie Grosjean (mgrosjean@gbif.org)

Data Administrator

GBIF Secretariat

Universitetsparken 15

DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK

URL: http://www.gbif.org