Hello GRSciColl Friends,


Please join us for our next GRSciColl call on the 11th of December at 15:00 CET.


This past year and half, GRSciColl has seen some changes. We have revised the GRSciColl schema, set up a new GRSciColl website and developed some new functions (the main one being the implementation of collection descriptors).

In 2025, we want to focus on adding to and improving the GRSciColl content as well as build a stronger community. We will present our ideas for the 2025 road map during the call. I hope that you can join us and share your thoughts and feedback.


You can already register for the call here: https://www.gbif.org/event/6xJHjutIyKzsmyIbKkJKla/global-registry-of-scientific-collections-grscicoll-community-call.


I am looking forward to seeing you there!

All the best,




Marie Grosjean (mgrosjean@gbif.org)

Data Administrator

GBIF Secretariat

Universitetsparken 15

DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK

URL: http://www.gbif.org