Dear All, Happy New Year! TDWG's upcoming Latimer Core standard is currently under public review. We are inviting everybody to join the accompanying open forum sessions to get to know more about LtC, ask questions and to discuss the standard with us. Please see the invitation below by Ben Norton, LtC's review manager. We are looking forward to seeing you at one of the sessions and our exchanges. Best wishes, Jutta for the LtC Task Group ========= **Open Forum for the Latimer Core Public Review** To facilitate the public review of the Latimer Core, the review manager, Ben Norton, and some of the core members of the task group, are holding an open forum on Zoom to discuss Latimer Core and answer questions. The open forum sessions are scheduled for the three Thursdays in January (January 4, 11, 18) at 15:00-16:00 UTC. Display various timezones: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20240104T150000&p1... For additional information, please see the Latimer Core GitHub Repository and Documentation Pages (linked below), or see the original announcement about Latimer Core and its public review (https://www.tdwg.org/news/2023/latimer-core-public-review/). You can also email Ben Norton at michaelnorton.ben@gmail.com. LtC Repository: https://github.com/tdwg/ltc Public Review Discussions: https://github.com/tdwg/ltc/discussions LtC Documentation: https://tdwg.github.io/ltc/ Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81814652210?pwd=SExxNzNiV2NWc1E3SzFnMXNmZzg5dz09 Meeting ID: 818 1465 2210 Passcode: 665891 -- Dr. Jutta Buschbom Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 35 22926 Ahrensburg Germany +49 (0)4102 459264 jutta.buschbom@statistical-genetics.de https://statistical-genetics.com and Data Architect, RECODE-Project The Natural History Museum, London, UK jutta.buschbom@nhm.ac.uk [first name][last name] she|her