GBIF GB informed about new IPT resources and opportunities

Dear members of the IPT list, Just wanted to send an update about a couple of IPT-related issues: the release of the IPT Training CD and the financial support available for IPT helpdesk and training activities. The GBIF Governing Board has already been informed about this. The message sent to them is pasted below. If any of you with experience on the IPT wants to join the Experts Network on IPT Helpdesk and Training, please let me know and I will send you an invitation to join the group in the GBIF Community Test Site. With best regards Alberto -------------- Dear Members of the GBIF Governing Board: A training CD, based on materials from the Helpdesk < ventid=70> Experts Workshop on the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) has just been released. This CD is a compilation of presentations, promotional materials, technical documents, videos and online resources about the GBIF IPT. It represents a complete set of materials for those willing to collaborate in the deployment and dissemination of this recently released biodiversity data publishing tool. The CD image is available in the training resources section of the GBIF website: As a result of the above mentioned training event, an Experts Network on IPT Helpdesk and Training has been created. Those interested in having an IPT instance running but lack the technical capacity needed can request technical support from the group, or from the expert who they have a the closest affinity to (geographically, in language, work area, etc). Financial support is available from the GBIF Distributed Helpdesk System if travelling on-site is required for the helpdesk or training activities. Please contract Andrea Hahn ( or Alberto González-Talaván ( if you want to apply for this financial support. We look forward your proposals and feedback on IPT implementation, promotional and training activities. With best regards Alberto PS: This information is also available as a news item in the GBIF website: pt-new-resources-and-opportunities/ --- Members of the Experts Network on IPT Helpdesk and Training: · Akbaraly, < D=1931> Michael (France, Europe) · Akpona, < D=1921> Adéloui Hugues (Benin, Africa) · Chen, < D=1932> Elie (Chinese Taipei, Asia) · Daly, < D=62> Brenda (South Africa, Africa) · Desmet, < D=1887> Peter (Canada, North America) · < D=74> Endresen, Dag Terje Filip (Sweden, Europe) · Graf < D=635> , Mickaël (Sweden, Europe) · < D=1922> Haefeli, Inés Amalia (Argentina, Latin America) · Holetschek, < D=724> Jörg (Germany, Europe) · Jinbo, < D=797> Utsugi (Japan, Asia) · Kim, < D=1979> DaeHwan (Rep. of Korea, Asia) · Lange, < D=906> Christian (Denmark, Europe) · Lusa, < D=960> Silvia (Spain, Europe) · < D=1920> Moreno Vargas, Diego Alexander (Colombia, Latin America) · Noé, < D=1924> Nicolas (Belgium, Europe) · < D=1942> Pîzzigatti Correa, Pedro Luiz (Brazil, Latin America) · < D=1938> Rasoamanana, Mbolatiana Toky (Madagascar, Africa) · Russell, < D=1912> Laura (USA, North America) · < D=1929> Sanabria Rodríguez, Aurelio (Costa Rica, Latin America) · < D=1923> Sotillo Enriquez, Arelys (Cuba, Latin America) · Theeten, < D=1790> Franck (Belgium, Europe) ---------- Alberto GONZÁLEZ TALAVÁN Training Officer Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark email: web: T: +45 35 32 14 83 F: +45 35 32 14 80
participants (1)
Alberto González-Talaván (GBIF)