Re: [IPT] Daily feeds and archive history

Thanks very much, this is helpful feedback. On a related note, Harvard-IQSS created a platform called Dataverse ( around 2007 and one interesting element is that they published a method for hashing datasets. This is done for the purpose of creating a citation element that can be used to verify that you have downloaded the same data. Passing along in case this is of interest to the group: Best regards, Jonathan A. Kennedy Director of Biodiversity Informatics Harvard University Herbaria, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology From: Daniel Noesgaard <> Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 3:22 AM To: Quentin Groom <>, Tim Robertson <> Cc: "Kennedy, Jonathan" <>, " list" <>, helpdesk <> Subject: Re: [IPT] Daily feeds and archive history I might also add that every download from–be it a single dataset or an aggregate–is archived and given a unique, persistent DOI for citation. And that citations of downloads count against all the datasets that contributed to that download. -- Daniel Noesgaard Science Communications Coordinator GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark E:<> W: T: +45 35 32 08 74 From: Quentin Groom <> Date: Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 08.38 To: Tim Robertson <> Cc: "Kennedy, Jonathan" <>, " list" <>, helpdesk <>, Daniel Noesgaard <> Subject: Re: [IPT] Daily feeds and archive history While it would be great to have versioned datasets I generally create a snapshot of the data used in a paper and archive this in Zenodo. This gives complete reproducibility without putting extra demands on the data providers. I do however need to cite the source and the snapshot. Regards Quentin On Mon, 18 Feb 2019, 17:45 Tim Robertson <<> wrote: Hi Jonathan (adding GBIF helpdesk to the CC) This is just a quick answer which I expect will result in follow up questions. In terms of citation, we use a DOI to identify the concept of a dataset, not the specific version. E.g.<> If you start deleting copies of data (e.g. a background housekeeping task) what will break are links to the downloads in the IPT pages. This may or may not be considered a problem for you. I think others might have contacted you about suggestions for improving the dataset titles being used but if not I would suggest considering correctly formatted titles as they are used in many places (<>. I hope this helps as a start, Tim From: IPT <<>> on behalf of "Kennedy, Jonathan" <<>> Date: Monday, 18 February 2019 at 18.31 To: "<>" <<>> Subject: [IPT] Daily feeds and archive history Hi All, I am finishing an upgrade to the Harvard University Herbaria IPT instance and have configured our feeds for daily auto-publish. The HUH has invested in a mass digitization workflow and we are currently creating ~20,000 new vascular records per month (with minimal data), so we do have new records on a daily basis. However, our DwC archives are fairly large (100MB+), so we can’t keep the daily archive history. I am looking for guidance on how it will work with GBIF dataset citation if we do not preserve each daily archive. It seems problematic if a version of our dataset is used and cited but cannot be reconstructed. Best regards, Jonathan A. Kennedy Director of Biodiversity Informatics Harvard University Herbaria, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology _______________________________________________ IPT mailing list<><>
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Kennedy, Jonathan