Dear Raj,
This error occurs because the machine the IPT is being installed on
cannot make outgoing connections. I see the error is saying it cannot
talk to the GBIF registry. The IPT administrator will need to
investigate if there are ports closed or firewall restrictions
stopping this from happening. On Linux the best way to ensure it is
possible is to open a terminal and type "curl"
There is also no need to install Geoserver for the IPT 2.0.x although
there should not be an issue if you so wish to. I would suggest not
to do so during training though as it might complicate things
Please can ensure all issues are sent to the to the IPT users list (
) which you will have to subscribe to if not already? There are more
people on the list that can help diagnose potential issues, and
quicker normally than I can alone.
I hope this helps,
On Jun 2, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Raj K. Sood (GBIF) wrote:
Dear Tim,
Kindly see the email below. Our partner at WII India has tried to
new version of IPT and encountered some problems as listed in their
Screen shots of error msg are also attached herewith.
I also encountered error msg at point 5 and 6 of the following email.
This is for your information and will keep you posted of any other
that may come up while working with the new version of IPT.
Thanks and take care,
Best regards,
Raj Sood
GBIF Secretariat
---------------------------- Original Message
Subject: RE: Training Sessions
From: "Dinesh Singh Pundir" <>
Date: Thu, June 2, 2011 9:32 am
To: "'Raj K. Sood \(GBIF\)'" <>
Dear Mr. Raj,
As suggested I downloaded the latest IPT version(ipt-2.0.2.war) and
tried to
install on the test machine.
Following steps were followed
1. Installed java(jre-6u25-windows-i586), apache (apache-
and copied ipt.war and geoserver files in apache webapps directory.
2. Run localhost:8080/ipt on the firefox browser.
3. In IPT Setup-I (directory path as c:\iptdata was given)
4. In IPT Setup-II (gave email, firstname, lastname, password etc.
under base url it automatically took path as http://DSPUNDIR:8080/
ipt but it
showed error when I clicked on Save.
5. Then I changed to base url to http://localhost:8080/ipt and clicked
on save. Then it directed to error screen (As shown in pdf attachment)
6. In proxy URL I tried both by leaving it blank and next time I have
our Institute proxy server setting as
Then it
directed to error screen (As shown in pdf attachment)
7. After step 5 it showed error screen(pdf file) which I am attaching
you for your information and action. I am also sending you the log
screen in
pdf file.
Kindly guide.
Dinesh Singh Pundir
<untitled-1.2><logs.pdf><IPT 2 Setup Error.pdf>