Hi, We're trying to publish version 45.4 of this dataset: http://data.inbo.be/ipt/resource?r=florabank1-occurrences, but the validation seems to fail. Here's the publication log: http://data.inbo.be/ipt/publicationlog.do?r=florabank1-occurrences As far as I can tell, the validation fails on "the core ID field occurrenceID is always present and unique", but we have verified this in the generated dwca-45.4.zip file, and all records have a unique occurrenceID. Any idea what might be going on? Possible causes: 1. The dataset is quite big (3,5 million records) 2. We've just solved this issue: https://github.com/LifeWatchINBO/data-publication/issues/104 by following Kyle Braak's instructions. The latest published version is now 45.3, the current (to be published) version is 45.4, so everything seems fine there. 3. Even though the publication failed, the following files are created in /resource/florabank1-occurrences: eml-45.4.xml dwca-45.4,zip florabank1-occurrences-45.4.rtf Will those file be overwritten if I try to republish or might they be causing the publication to fail? Thanks, Peter