Hi Jens, Thanks for the report. I am suspecting this is caused by an invalid registry URL in the IPT, so allow me to give a brief explanation that might help you troubleshoot the problem: As the IPT needs to connect to the GBIF Registry to register itself into the GBIF Network, we have created a "sandbox" registry for any IPT tests installations that are around there. I am assuming you downloaded the IPT at the google code site (ipt-1.0-RC3.war), and by default this points to this "sandbox" registry, but the URL provided in the IPT is no longer valid, so here is the process to make your installation work: If you are confident enough that you want to register your IPT instance into the GBIF Registry, then please follow this procedure and everything should be fine after this: 1) Stop tomcat 2) Go into $tomcat_home/webapps/ipt/WEB-INF/classes/ipt.properties - There is a line that reads: # Needs to conform to the GBIF registry API at http://code.google.com/p/gbif-registry/w/list registryUrl=http://gbrds.gbif.org/registrydev - You need to change the "registryUrl" attribute to http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry - If you just want to test your IPT with a fake registration to GBIF, then change it to http://gbrdsdev.gbif.org/registry 3) Save the ipt.properties file 4) Start tomcat 5) It should work now. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Best Regards, José Cuadra Programmer GBIF Secretariat - Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark http://www.gbif.org Tel.: +45 35 32 14 88 / Fax: +45 35 32 14 80 On Aug 17, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Tim Robertson (GBIF) wrote:
Dear Jens and Jose,
Could you please liaise to make sure that at the time of registration there are no outages and perhaps debug this issue?
I suspect that there is some firewall issue coming in to play here from the client (it's port 80 though), or perhaps there is some proxy involved that we have not seen before.
May I also please ask Jens - which version of the IPT is being installed?
Many thanks, Tim
On Aug 17, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Jens Rathsman wrote:
Dear GBIF developers,
I work at the Swedish GBIF node and have a question about IPT- organization setup. I write to you as system architect because I didn’t know who else to contact. Maybe you can redirect me if you are not the one to answer those questions?
Some months ago I installed and tried out IPT on some datasets here at the museum. Maps and embedded tapir worked nicely. Now one of our data contributors is installing IPT for automatic data delivery to us, and he had problems. I verified at our installation, that was successfully setup earlier and saw the same problem.
When configuring “Admin > Configuration > Organization” IPT seems to get stuck at “loading from repository” while looking up “Title” and “GIBF Node”. I don’t remember seeing this problem before. What do you think is the reason? I have two guesses, 1. could it be that the lookup is made on some port that is blocked? (We have a new firewall since installing in march.) If so, what port is used? 2. Does gbif.org have a problem with the lookup service?
Is the organization configuration needed for data contributors, or only for Gbif-nodes?
Best regards, Jens Rathsman
--------------------------------- Jens Rathsman, System developper GBIF Sweden - http://www.gbif.se mailto:jens.rathsman@nrm.se tel: +46 8 5195 5116 Swedish Museum of Natural History - http://www.nrm.se Box 50007 SE-104 05 Stockholm Sweden