Hi Victor, Thanks for pointing this out, the link is missing from the email. The WAR file is here: https://repository.gbif.org/content/groups/gbif/org/gbif/ipt/3.0-RC1/ipt-3.0... There are links to the RPM packages etc in the *test* version of the manual, here: https://ipt.gbif-uat.org/manual/en/ipt/latest/releases Thanks, Matt On 01/09/2023 23:02, Victor Chocho Sánchez via IPT wrote:
Thank you Mikhail,
Where can I find the war file so We can try the CampTrap export on the IPT?
Saludos cordiales,
*Victor Chocho Sánchez*
Node Manager GBIF-Ecuador
Dirección de Biodiversidad
Subsecretaría de Patrimonio Natural
Calle Madrid 1159 y Andalucía
Tel.: (593) 2398 7600 ext. 1423
Cel.: (593) 9968 96661
Skype: vechocho
Código postal: 170525 / Quito – Ecuador
www.ambiente.gob.ec <http://www.ambiente.gob.ec/>
*De:*IPT <ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org> *En nombre de *Mikhail Podolskiy via IPT *Enviado el:* viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023 02:04 a. m. *Para:* ipt@lists.gbif.org *Asunto:* [IPT] IPT v3 Release Candidate
Dear IPT users,
I’m happy to announce the availability of a preview release for the Integrated Publishing Toolkit Version 3.0-RC1.
We’ve opted to name this version 3 as it brings in a new capability that goes beyond the Darwin Core Archive format. IPT version 3 will still provide all the functions of previous versions, but will additionally allow a user to map datasets to supported Frictionless Data [1] schemas. The first of these are the Camera Trap Data Package (Camtrap DP) [2, 3] and Catalogue of Life Data Package (CoL DP) [4].
This version also introduces a new core for Darwin Core Archives, for MaterialEntity [5], which is in preparation for the outputs of the Darwin Core Material task group.
In addition, the installation requirements have been updated. Java 11 or 17 is now recommended, and Tomcat 9 or later. A Docker package for the release candidate version has been created, as well as CentOS Stream 8 and 9 test packages.
Please note that this is a release candidate and is intended for testing and preview purposes only. It's NOT for production use — the IPT should be set up in test mode to register published datasets to the test system, gbif-uat.org. Documentation in the user manual for the new features is not yet available.
Feedback is appreciated through issues on the GitHub issue tracker [6], or by email.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Mikhail Podolskiy
Mikhail Podolskiy
GBIF Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø DENMARK
e-mail: mpodolskiy@gbif.org
www.gbif.org <http://www.gbif.org/>
[1] https://frictionlessdata.io/
[2] https://tdwg.github.io/camtrap-dp/
[3] https://github.com/tdwg/camtrap-dp
[4] https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/coldp#name
[5] https://rs.gbif.org/sandbox/core/dwc_material_2023-04-29.xml
[6] https://github.com/gbif/ipt/issues
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