Great work, Dag! really well done.
I selected the "publish" button and hope that this will not cause this dataset to be registered at the GBIF registry...? Without selecting the "publish" button the dataset is not listed from the menu item "explore". I was missing the option to publish a dataset under this "explore", but not not to register with the GBIF registry...? Should there not be one more step to this procedure? when you change the registry base URL (e.g. to use a dev extension list as you did) this changes *all* registry URL calls, including resource registration. A full registry API currently inlcudes 5 type of things, most of them which you can actually manipulate RESTfully if are authorized:
http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/ipt/extensions.json http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/node.json http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/organisation.json http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/resource.json http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/service.json
PS. I have noticed that the right side context menu is very sensitive to missing data (Navigate Taxonomy, Navigate Geography). If some of the higher taxonomic levels is missing I get an error message instead of the context menu. For example I did not have phylum for the genebank dataset and the error message on "Navigate Taxonomy" untill I added data for this term. Similar I did not have continent causing the "Navigate Geography" context menu to start at country. When continent and/or country is missing, the "Navigate Geography" context menu creates a top node for the lowest level available - sometimes even the coordinate is displayed as the top node here. Would be cute if the IPT could default to "unknown continent", "unknown country"; "unknown phylum", ... or something similar.
very right. I was thinking about a single default root node too (makes pages load much quicker too if you dont wanna browse the hierarchies). But then again one of the purposes is for people to see that they maybe should have provided some higher classification to help consumers. Would be easy to wrap the entire list in a single root node though, so if thats a desired feature lets do it. As soon as google makes the project write enabled again I will add an enhancement request issue that one can star to support the idea. Markus