Burke, thanks for reminding. It should be fixed in the online demo now and I've also uploaded a new war version 1.0b.9 to google with that patch. That same version also adresses issues with sql sources that Jörg discovered and the spinning wheel when publishing resources for the first time (also see Jörgs mail). We have uploaded data now successfully from mysql, postgres and MS SQL Server. cheers, Markus On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:39, Burke Chih-Jen Ko wrote:
Yes. Thank you for explaining. I suggest the paragraphs can be put into the documentation.
I use the data source as PonTaurus and upload a 'duplicate PonTaurus' resource, although not registered, it takes forever to the next page after clicking "publish". You can check it on http://ipt.gbif.org .
Also, I am not sure if you or Tim had received a message I sent on Mar. 12th regarding the updating of geographic coverage information. It seems the problem still exists. I've saved after dragging a region but can't see it when I navigate back. Or should I report it on the google code anyway?
On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:19 PM, Markus Döring (GBIF) wrote:
Burke, you dont have to register,but you can if you like to try the registry integration. The registry connected is a test one until the real release, so you dont harm anyone, just go ahead and register anything you want. The functionality of the registry is still being updated, not all email notifications for example might work right now, in particular the resend password link (which you need to use an existing organisation without knowing its password).
Once you have selected an existing or registered a new organisation, publishing a resource also registers it with GBIF and updates its metadata in the registry (not fully working in the current registry version). A resource therefore has 3 states:
- private/draft: this is the default for new resources. Its neither registered nor should it be visible in the public portal part of the IPT
- public/modified: the resource is intended to be public, its present in the IPT portal and if all goes well and your settings allow to, its also registered with GBIF. The resource metadata is modified though and differes from a) GBIFs registry metadata or b) the versioned EML document which is generated each time you press publish (actually also the geoserver WFS/WMS services have their own metadata which is out of date then too)
- public/clean: same as above, but the metadata in the registry/ EML&geoserver should reflect your latest state
Does this clarify the registry integration? Markus
On Mar 18, 2009, at 3:59, Burke Chih-Jen Ko wrote:
Dear Markus,
Thank GBIF team for this brilliant work!
A question: Now in Admin->settings->Organisation, Must we register to test IPT? In the publishing box, does the "private, not registered" mean the same thing?
Best regards, Burke
Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility, TaiBIF Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec 2, Academia Rd., Nangang District Taipei 115, Taiwan Tel: +886+2+27899621 ext.220