Hi Derek,

Great that you are up and running.  
I am afraid my linux has been limited mainly to Redhat flavors and a little Debian.  It's useful to note that such a basic task as log4j logging is problematic on Ubuntu though.


On Aug 5, 2012, at 3:34 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Tim Robertson [GBIF] <trobertson@gbif.org> wrote:

Thanks for sharing your experience.  Does that mean you did get things working in the end?
Which version of the IPT are you using please?

Oops.  Yes, it's working! (http://webapps.marinebiodiversity.ca/ipt/)

IPT Version 2.0.3-r3672
Tomcat Version 6.0.35

It's just so much easier than trying to get the Ubuntu version of tomcat to behave.