Dear friends from the IPT list, George Owusu-Afriyie from GhanaBIF (GBIF Ghana, http://www2.ug.edu.gh/ghanabif/) is seeking IPT experts to help them with a training event for 12 institutions within the country. The event will be held in English, in Ghana (probably Accra). The dates are not set and will have to be arranged between the organisers and the potential trainers. This activity will very likely include the installation of a national IPT instance for the GhanaBIF. As previously announced, the participation of the trainers in this activity (= travel + accommodation + per diem) is eligible for financial support from the GBIF distributed helpdesk grants. If you are interested in collaborating with GhanaBIF, please contact me or George directly in his email address: georgeoa AT 4u.com.gh. Thanks in advance Alberto ---------- Alberto GONZÁLEZ TALAVÁN Training Officer Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark email: <mailto:atalavan@gbif.org> atalavan@gbif.org web: http://www.gbif.org/ T: +45 35 32 14 83 F: +45 35 32 14 80