Dear Xander, Yes, you can also use that set of instructions when the source publication tool is an IPT. Please note the IPT user manual and wiki is hosted on GitHub now. For your convenience, that same set of instructions can be found here<https://github.com/gbif/ipt/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes.wiki#migrate-a-resource> [1]. Best regards, Kyle [1] https://github.com/gbif/ipt/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes.wiki#migrate-a-resource From: IPT <ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org>> on behalf of Xander van der Sar <x.vandersar@gmail.com<mailto:x.vandersar@gmail.com>> Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015 11:47 To: "ipt@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>" <ipt@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ipt@lists.gbif.org>> Subject: [IPT] migrate dataset from one IPT to another. Dear GBIF Friends, We want to migrate a couple of datasets to an other IPT. There is a workflow for migrating from older publication tools [1] in the IPT manual. Can I use this workflow as well when the source publication tool is an IPT? Or do I have to follow another workflow. [1] https://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/wiki/IPT2ManualNotes#Migrate_... All the best, Xander