Hi We have used this IPT-setup without any problems till now. System: Version 2.0.2-r3306 Apache Tomcat/6.0.24 JVM 1.6.0_29-b1 Problem: All space-characters in metadata are replaced to plus-character. For example title "foo bar car" is saved as "foo+bar+car". It affects in every text field in metadata. If I include at least one plus-char in a text value, it prevents the space replacement. For example "foo bar car+dar" is saved as it is. I think this is related to Java/Tomcat/urlencode. Do you have suggestions how to fix this problem? Best Regards, Tero Mononen -- Digitarium Digitisation Centre of the Finnish Museum of Natural History and the University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Science and Forestry, Joensuu Science Park Länsikatu 15 (P.O. Box 111) FI-80101 Joensuu http://www.digitarium.fi/ Tero Mononen, Analyst Programmer tero.mononen@uef.fi<mailto:juha.lehtonen@uef.fi> +358-50-5631788