I must be doing something wrong in the installation of the itp-2.0RC2.war file. Here is what I did: 1. Download ipt-2.0RC2.war into the .../tomcat 6.0/webapps folder (in a Windows Server 2003 system) 2. Wait for the directories to be built out: only webapps/itp-2.0RC2/WEB-INF was created. No index.jsp showed up. 3. Go to http://science.uvu.edu:8080/itp-2.0RC2/ and get only an apache 404 error message. So is this a problem in the installer not having all the files it needs, or should I have named it itp.war to put the new .jar files into the existing ipt-1.0RC3 installation (which I renamed to just /ipt/)? I guess a third option exists, should I just not try to test and wait for the GA release? References: http://science.uvu.edu:8080/ipt/ current 1.0RC3 installation, not completed, unpublished, but mostly running http://science.uvu.edu:8080/ipt-2.0RC2/ the 404 error message. Directory structure created: ../tomcat 6.0/webapps/ipt-2.0RC2/WEB-INF/classes (contains one .properties file) ../tomcat 6.0/webapps/ipt-2.0RC2/WEB-INF/lib (contains 11.3 MB in 35 .jar files) Bruce Wilson Department of Chemistry | Mail Stop 179 | UVU | 800 W University Parkway, Orem UT 84058 (801)863-7138 | bruce.wilson@uvu.edu | http://science.uvu.edu/wilson