Dear IPT users, A new version of the IPT has been released, version 2.4.2. This version fixes a bug introduced by the security update released last Thursday, where some resources in the IPT would fail to load after the upgrade. The new version is available for download at https://repository.gbif.org/content/groups/gbif/org/gbif/ipt/2.4.2/ipt-2.4.2... . New CentOS packages and Docker containers have also been generated, please see https://github.com/gbif/ipt#latest-release-242 . Please read the release notes, particularly if you are not upgrading from version 2.4.0 or 2.4.1: https://github.com/gbif/ipt/wiki/IPTReleaseNotes233.wiki No data was lost with the bug in version 2.4.1, but when upgrading it's a good idea to check your backup procedures are running correctly. Very occasionally, users have accidentally deleted data, or disks in servers have failed. The IPT data directory should be backed up regularly to a different place, as well as any custom configuration (e.g. Apache configuration, or custom styling applied to the IPT). Sincerely, Matthew Blissett GBIF Secretariat