Not stupid at all! It is it! Many thanks, André! That's the experience of working a lot with users... It was not me doing the publications, and assumed that was done! ------------------ Rui Figueira Coordenador do Nó Português do GBIF ruifigueira@isa.ulisboa.pt Instituto Superior de Agronomia Herbário Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. +351 213653165 | Fax. +351 213653195 http://www.gbif.pt http://www.isa.ulisboa.pt On 1/25/22 13:37, André Heughebaert wrote:
Hi Rui, Maybe stupid, but did you register the dataset to GBIF? Best regards *Ir. André Heughebaert* IT Coordinator at the Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be/> Head of Delegation to GBIF <https://www.gbif.org/> ORCID 0000-0002-7839-5300 <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7839-5300>
On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 at 14:12, Rui Figueira <ruifigueira@isa.ulisboa.pt> wrote:
Dear all,
The following dataset is failing to register with GBIF, on publish:
The publisher is https://www.gbif.org/publisher/4c5bf646-457d-431d-b055-6c27f468ff0a, which is already associated to our IPT. I checked the DwC-A, and everything seems normal
The publication log is the following:
Archive generation started for version #1.4 Start writing data file for Darwin Core Occurrence No lines were skipped due to errors for mapping Darwin Core Occurrence in source stph_gbif No lines were skipped due to errors for mapping Darwin Core Occurrence in source stph_gbif No lines with fewer columns than mapped for mapping Darwin Core Occurrence in source stph_gbif All lines match the filter criteria for mapping Darwin Core Occurrence in source stph_gbif Data file written for Darwin Core Occurrence with 404 records and 34 columns All data files completed EML file added meta.xml archive descriptor written Validating the core file: occurrence.txt. Depending on the number of records, this can take a while. ? Validating the core basisOfRecord is always present and its value matches the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary. ? Validating the core ID field occurrenceID is always present and unique. No lines are missing occurrenceID No lines have duplicate occurrenceID ✓ Validated each line has a occurrenceID, and each occurrenceID is unique No lines are missing a basisOfRecord All lines have basisOfRecord that matches the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary No lines have ambiguous basisOfRecord 'occurrence'. ✓ Validated each line has a basisOfRecord, and each basisOfRecord matches the Darwin Core Type Vocabulary Archive validated Archive has been compressed Archive version #1.4 generated successfully!
Do you have any ideas how to check why the dataset is failing to register with GBIF.org?
Rui Figueira
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