Hi Rui, What about using SampleEvent core with MeasurementOrFacts <https://tools.gbif.org/dwca-validator/extension.do?id=dwc:MeasurementOrFact> DwC extension to store both event measurements(BraunBlanquet Scale value and % of coverage.) in addition to the Occurrence DwC extension for the occurrences. No duplicates and you keep all original data. My2cents *Ir Andre Heughebaert* GBIF Node Manager at Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be> +32(0)2238 3796 WTC III, 30 Bld Simon Bolivarlaan; B-1000 Brussels, Belgium ORCID 0000-0002-7839-5300 <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7839-5300> On Mon, 20 Jul 2020 at 18:34, Rui Figueira <ruifigueira@isa.ulisboa.pt> wrote:
Dear all,
One of our publishers is preparing an event based dataset with plant surveys, where two measurements were taken at each location: a Braun Blanquet Scale value and % of coverage.
The normal option to create this dataset would be to make two event records for each plot, one for each survey method. This allows to preserve all original data, but will result in two occurrences for the same species at the same plot.
The other option would be to report only one of the survey methods, avoiding occurrence duplication, but not preserving data for the other method.
Would anyone have a suggestion how to prepare the dataset, so that it keeps values for both methods and does not create duplication of occurrences?
Or the duplication is not an issue, and we should publish data for both methods?
-- ------------------
Rui Figueira Coordenador do Nó Português do GBIF ruifigueira@isa.ulisboa.pt Instituto Superior de Agronomia Herbário Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. +351 213653165 | Fax. +351 213653195 http://www.gbif.pt http://www.isa.ulisboa.pt
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