Hi Milko and Tim,

I hope I could have come back a little bit earlier.

Mac OS X Server 10.6 runs Tomcat using launchd, so in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons you can find org.apache.tomcat.plist, which contains the settings the OS runs the default Tomcat server. When booting the OS try run Tomcat as a daemon as instructed by the plist. The Server Admin changes the value of the plist.

Here I attach 2 files, one is the working version of the plist on my Mac OS X Server 10.6, the other is the wrapper script for launchd to call Tomcat. Please put the script in /Library/Tomcat/bin, make sure it's owned by _appserver:_appserveradm with file mode 775 (well at least this works for me). You can see that the "-Djava.awt.headless=true" that Tim mentioned is included.

So you can:
1. Stop Tomcat by checking off the Tomcat checkbox in the web service pane of the Server Admin, save;
2. Replace the attached files and check permissions;
3. Start Tomcat by checking the checkbox and save;
4. Watch the console log to see if there is any odd things.

I would then recommend that you deploy IPT using the tomcat app manager, by this way you can avoid some possible permission issues.

Let me know if this works for you.

