well, considering that we also have rightsHolder already in the description extension I took the liberty to add it to the images extension just now. It should be available for mapping in your IPT soon, but the extension definition needs to be refreshed in your installation. Im not sure anymore if that can be done easily with an existing installation that has resources already mapped to that particular extension. If not, you can delete the images extension in the admin section and then reinstall it - that should pick up the latest version: http://rs.gbif.org/extension/gbif/1.0/images.xml http://rs.gbif.org/extension/gbif/1.0/description.xml Markus PS: it will take an hour or so until the changes are visible on our servers, so make sure the rightsHolder term appears in the above links before you update your IPT On Sep 8, 2011, at 23:19, Aurelio Sanabria wrote:
thanks so much!
2011/9/8 Paul J. Morris <mole@morris.net> To give a concrete example:
http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FMUS.HUH:s16-50376-303543-3 is an image of a specimen in the Harvard University Herbaria.
The following metadata apply:
Creator: D.Smiley Publisher: Harvard University Herbaria Rights Holder: President and Fellows of Harvard College
-- Best regards, Aurelio Sanabria http://informatics.inbio.ac.cr