Fabian, after logging in, go to "Manage", then choose the resource you're trying to get running. On the menu on the right, click "Mappings", then scroll down to the "Cache database" section. Can you copy & paste what's written in that section? Cheers, Jörg -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Fabian Haas [mailto:fhaas@icipe.org] Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. November 2009 06:39 An: Holetschek, Jörg Cc: ipt@lists.gbif.org; Mwangi, John; niconoe@ulb.ac.be Betreff: Re: AW: [IPT] Set of short presentations about IPT Dear all ah well could not find the protocol, I believe I have seen something like that, but can you be even more precise with this. alas I have to agree that IPT is very unstable, half of the things I am trying to do end up in a server restart... Is the long YIKES listing useful to anybody? Than I would send it around. Best from Nairoby Fabian Holetschek wrote:
how long did the upload last? Any entries in the event logs (Manage --> Resource Configuration --> Section Cache database)?
Cheers from Berlin, Jorg
-----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- Von: ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org [mailto:ipt-bounces@lists.gbif.org]Im Auftrag von Fabian Haas Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. November 2009 07:41 An: ipt@lists.gbif.org Cc: Mwangi, John Betreff: Re: [IPT] Set of short presentations about IPT
Dear All,
I am trying to get my resources online with IPT toolkit (V1.0RC2, on Windows 2003 Server), which I manage with Firefox 3.5.4 (Mac), through the standard web interface.
When done seemingly everything as supposed to, I am still unable to EXPLORE my data, saying that 0 records are uploaded etc, getting no dots on the map and no other analytics.
As I have updated some data and columns and would like to exchange the new data resource with the old one. However, deleting the resource leads to a server crash with a long page of YIKES (page available), and the server needs to be reset then. The resource is still there anyway, not deleted.
Any idea how to go on?
best Fabian _______________________________________________ IPT mailing list IPT@lists.gbif.org http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ipt
-- ********************************************************** fhaas@icipe.org, Extension -2052 The African Insect Taxonomy Toolkit AITT http://taxonomy.icipe.org Dr. Fabian Haas Insect Taxonomist and ABS Specialist ICIPE - African Insect Science for Food and Health Duduville Campus, Kasarani P.O. Box 30772 - 00100 N A I R O B I Kenya Telephone No. +254 (0)20 8632000 Fax No. +254 (0)20 8632001 Cell Phone +254 (0)728 132868 This position is supported by CIM, the Centre for International Migration www.cimonline.de