Dear IPT community, Please see the request below for using the species distribution extension [1] with occurrence core [2]. This request comes from Colombia, who are setting up an IPT network in the country. I don't see any issue with this, but wanted to put this through the correct forum (this list) for any comments. Does anyone have any concerns they would like to raise? Please note, that extensions are considered immutable in concept, although we allow for minor editorial changes. Therefore this request would warrant a version increment of the distribution extension; reflected in the namespace. IPTs would therefore see 2 species distribution extensions (the second having the new version). The current version cannot be removed as datasets already exist using it, but rather would be marked as "Deprecated" in the description so new installations and updates would show this. Thanks all, Tim [1] http://rs.gbif.org/extension/gbif/1.0/distribution.xml [2] http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence.xml Begin forwarded message:
From: Danny Vélez [mailto:evelez@humboldt.org.co] Sent: 21 November 2012 20:58 To: Éamonn Ó Tuama [GBIF] Cc: Juan Carlos Bello; Core Equipo Coordinador SIB Subject: "Species Distribution" extension for Occurrence Core in IPT
Dear GBIF,
We would like to ask GBIF for open the possibility to use "Species Distribution" extension for the Occurrence Core in the IPT. Currently is it allow only for Taxon Core.
We need it because there are several Colombian data publishers that need to use several elements included in this extension, but in the context of an occurrence dataset –not Taxon dataset- some of those elements are for example "threatStatus" and "appendixCITES.
Is there any special procedure for this?
All the best,
Danny Vélez Líder Interoperabilidad y Administración de Contenidos
Equipo Coordinador del Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad de Colombia (SiB)
GBIF Node Manager Colombia
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Calle 28A No. 15-09 PBX: (57) 1 3202767 Ext. 2112 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
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