I'm having difficulty with a CentOS IPT Install that I'm doing for the Field Museum (in Chicago, I'm remote to their server from Kansas).  The Field IT staff enabled their Tomcat on the server. And I've deployed the IPT.  Permissions on the iptdata folder seem to be okay as it created all the folders and extension files in the first step.

They are running
CentOS 5.2
Tomcat 5.5.23
Java  1.6 

I'm getting the following error when trying to complete the second setup page on the IPT.  

"The Base URL does not point to an IPT installation that is accessible from this computer."

The URL is accessible outside of the firewall.  I've also tried it with the IP address and get the same error.  

I chatted with Tim Robertson a bit yesterday and I've had the Field IT staff check that the port is open for both incoming and outgoing connections.  They do not think their firewall is the issue so I'm looking at other possibilities.  

I've attached the Catalina.out file and the IPT Admin and Debug logs.

Any assistance is appreciated.


Laura Russell
VertNet Programmer
Biodiversity Institute
University of Kansas
Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 606
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785.864.4681
Fax: 785.864.5335

Email: larussell@vertnet.org
Email: larussell@ku.edu
Google Chat: larussell@vertnet.org
Skype: laura.anne.russell

URL: http://www.vertnet.org
VertNet Portals:
MaNIS: http://www.manisnet.org
HerpNET: http://www.herpnet.org
ORNIS: http://www.ornisnet.org
FishNet2: http://www.fishnet2.net