Dear Dario, Thanks to SiB Colombia for helping with testing and translation. You will notice that the IPT project on Crowdin now includes about 50 additional files with extension ".adoc.pot". These correspond to pages in the IPT user manual, which for this release will move from the GitHub Wiki to https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/ . As much as possible of the v2.3 Spanish translation has also been moved, see for example https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/es/ipt/2.5/manage-resources . You are welcome to translate as much or as little of the user manual as you wish. Where sections are untranslated, the original English text will be shown. I've noted a few things to be aware of here: https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/en/ipt/2.5/translations#translating-the-user-man... Future changes to the English user manual will be tracked by Crowdin, so it will be much easier to keep the English and Spanish text synchronized. Best regards, Matt On 25/06/2021 19:21, Dairo - SiB Colombia wrote:
Dear Mikhail,
This is good news. You have the support of SiB Colombia for testing and translation to the Spanish.
Best regards, Dairo
El vie, 25 jun 2021 a las 10:39, Mikhail Podolskiy (<mpodolskiy@gbif.org <mailto:mpodolskiy@gbif.org>>) escribió:
Hi folks
I'd like to start by introducing myself. I am Mikhail Podolskiy, a software developer at the GBIF Secretariat. I will now be taking lead responsibility for the IPT, and will be developing the IPT following the recommendations from the consultation we held last year at the TDWG sessions.
I am happy to announce that a TEST version of the forthcoming IPT 2.5.0 is available and ask if you could please help us in testing and translation.
Please see the "Releases" page in the user manual for download links and upgrade instructions:
https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/en/ipt/2.5/releases/ <https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/en/ipt/2.5/releases/>
This version addresses 63 issues [1] including the famous "double log in bug" and brings in a fresher looking user interface. There are 7 further issues that we will address before the final release. This version is a release candidate, named 2.5.0-RC1 and is not suitable for production use.
The new interface will need some new translations. Existing or new translators may use the Crowdin project[2] to add and update translations in traditional Chinese, French, Japanese, Persian, Brazilian, Russian and Spanish.
It would be very helpful if you could help by exploring the functions you are familiar with, and if you run security tests arrange for this to happen.
Please report any issues on the IPT GitHub [3].
Thank you,
[1] https://github.com/gbif/ipt/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A2.5.0 <https://github.com/gbif/ipt/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A2.5.0>
[2] https://crowdin.com/project/gbif-ipt <https://crowdin.com/project/gbif-ipt>
[3] https://github.com/gbif/ipt/issues <https://github.com/gbif/ipt/issues>
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Dairo Alexander Escobar Ardila /Coordinador, Equipo Coordinador SiB Colombia/ Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt Calle 28 A # 15 - 09, Bogotá, D.C. PBX: (57) 1 3202767 Ext. 7150 Bogotá, D.C. Colombia /Antes de imprimir este mensaje, piensa si realmente es necesario/ /"La información contenida en esta comunicación está dirigida únicamente para el uso de la persona natural o jurídica a quien va dirigido. Contiene información confidencial o protegida por el artículo 15 de la Constitución Política de Colombia. Si usted no es el destinatario, se le informa que: la circulación, reproducción, distribución o cualquier acción en el contenido de esta información, está estrictamente prohibida y es indebida. Si este último caso sucede, por favor comunique inmediatamente dando respuesta a este correo electrónico y luego elimínelo de su buzón, así como sus documentos anexos. El SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE BIODIVERSIDAD DE COLOMBIA no es responsable de la transferencia inadecuada del contenido de la información de este mensaje, así como de los errores y omisiones en su aceptación. El SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE BIODIVERSIDAD DE COLOMBIA, trabaja a favor de la gestión del tratamiento confidencial y seguro de sus datos personales. Por favor consulte nuestra Política Institucional para el Tratamiento de Datos Personales en *https://sibcolombia.net/politica-de-datos-personales/* <https://sibcolombia.net/politica-de-datos-personales/>
"The information included in this communication is intended solely for the use of the natural or legal person to whom it is addressed. It contains information that is confidential or protected by Article 15 of the Colombian Constitution. If you're not the intended recipient, please be informed that the circulation, reproduction, distribution or any action on the content of this message is strictly prohibited and improper. If this last case happens, please communicate immediately by responding to this email and then delete it from your mailbox, as well as its attached documents. THE COLOMBIAN BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION SYSTEM is not responsible for the inappropriate transfer of the content of the information in this message, as well as errors and omissions in its acceptance. THE COLOMBIAN BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION SYSTEM works in favor of the management of the confidential and secure treatment of your personal data. Please consult our Institutional Policy for the Treatment of Personal Data at *https://sibcolombia.net/politica-de-datos-personales/* <https://sibcolombia.net/politica-de-datos-personales/>"/
_______________________________________________ IPT mailing list IPT@lists.gbif.org https://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ipt