Dear all, I am pleased to announce that we will run a free "virtual workshop" on the IPT at the TDWG 2020 conference. The workshop [1] will be held over two 90 minutes sessions starting at 14:30UTC on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September [2] and is being run jointly with the BioCASe community. This is open to anyone who registers for the conference [3]. This workshop aims to capture ideas and requirements to help guide the future direction of the IPT. We are aware of requests for usability improvements and the limitation of the "star schema" imposed by the Darwin Core Archive format and expect these to be topics in the workshop. As we plan for the workshop: - are there major topics that you would like to see discussed? (standards, APIs, functionalities, integrations with open repositories etc) - have you strong ideas of changes you would like to see in the IPT (or not see) that you would like to present during the workshop? We welcome feedback before 8th September to help us plan for a fruitful discussion. Please send to trobertson@gbif.org<mailto:trobertson@gbif.org> Many thanks, Tim, Jörg [1] https://www.tdwg.org/conferences/2020/working-sessions/#ws01:%20capturing%20...) [2] https://www.tdwg.org/conferences/2020/working-sessions-schedule/ [3] https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tdwg-2020-working-sessions-2125-september-ticke...