Dear Friends, Thanks to Silvia Lusa from GBIF Spain and Aurelio Sanabria from GBIF Costa Rica we have now available the set of 6 short presentations about the IPT available in Spanish! The presentations, as usual, are available in the IPT resources page of the "GBIF IPT helpdesk and training experts" group of the GBIF Community Site: http://community.gbif.org/pg/pages/view/3872/ As you can see, we have now these presentations available in Chinese, Dutch, English, French and Spanish! Thanks to all of you who have collaborated in this common effort! Those of you who have experience using the GBIF IPT and think that you can help/train others to overcome their problems with the tool, please consider joining that group of the GBIF Community Site (http://community.gbif.org/). Please contact me if you find any difficulties in the process. With best regards Alberto ---------- Alberto GONZÁLEZ TALAVÁN Training Officer Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark email: <mailto:atalavan@gbif.org> atalavan@gbif.org web: http://www.gbif.org/ T: +45 35 32 14 83 F: +45 35 32 14 80