Dear IPT users, 

A pre-release version of IPT v2.1 is online for wider testing at 

I would greatly appreciate your help with testing, if you have a little time to spare.

To login, you can use your existing account on If you need an account setup, or if you need a password reminder, just let me know.  

Here are a few of the new features we need help testing:

As always, our aim is to ensure that the released version is as sturdy as possible. We are currently putting the release candidate through rigorous testing too. 

In testing this morning, we successfully published a copy of the EOD-eBird Observation Dataset with 151 million records (check out the attached screenshot). We want to be confident that the identifier validation will scale up, and the initial tests look positive. 

If no major issues are uncovered during testing, IPT v2.1 will be released next week. 

Thank you for your assistance,

Kyle, on behalf of the IPT development team and the GBIF Secretariat