Dear all,
I'd like to know what version the IPT is using and where can we see the list of fields ?
If I consider the DarwinCore 1.4 standard with curatorial and geospatial extension, the IPT will map automatically 64 fields instead of 57 (fields without modification).
Darwin Core 14 Element Recommended Term
HigherTaxon higherClassification
EarliestDateCollected eventDate
LatestDateCollected eventDate
VerbatimCollectingDate verbatimEventDate
Collector recordedBy
CatalogNumberNumeric catalogNumber
CollectorNumber recordNumber
If we took the final version here, theses 36 fields are not considered. In the history, some of them were created in 2008.
IPT.Term name IPT.Class
AcceptedTaxon Taxon
Binomial Taxon
HigherTaxonID Taxon
HigherTaxon Taxon
AcceptedTaxonID Taxon
BasionymID Taxon
Basionym Taxon
TaxonAccordingTo Taxon
SamplingLocationID SamplingLocation
DistanceAboveSurfaceInMetersMinimum SamplingLocation
DistanceAboveSurfaceInMetersMaximum SamplingLocation
SamplingLocationRemarks SamplingLocation
SamplingEventID SamplingEvent
StartTimeOfDay SamplingEvent
EndTimeOfDay SamplingEvent
YearSampled SamplingEvent
MonthOfYear SamplingEvent
DayOfMonth SamplingEvent
Collector SamplingEvent
CollectorNumber SamplingEvent
SamplingEventAttributes SamplingEvent
SamplingEventRemarks SamplingEvent
LatestDateCollected SamplingEvent
EarliestDateCollected SamplingEvent
VerbatimCollectingDate SamplingEvent
AccessConstraints Sample
Generalizations Sample
SampleDetails Sample
SampleRemarks Sample
CatalogNumberNumeric Sample
Citation Sample
SampleAttributes Sample
AssociatedSamples Sample
Language DublinCore
RightsHolder DublinCore
Rights DublinCore
Finally, where we can find these new extension like the Multimedia or the Dublincore one ?
Best regards

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