20 Mar
20 Mar
Hello, We have a bunch of IPT's installed here and in order to automate IPT upgrades I'd like to know if it's enough to just create the missing $ROOT/WEB-INF/datadir.location once the WAR has been updated? I'm asking this because I have 8 IPT instances and it becomes tedious (and I'm lazy) to go through all th 8 web interfaces just to enter the IPT datadir on every upgrade .. Thanks! Julien -- Julien Cigar Belgian Biodiversity Platform (http://www.biodiversity.be) PGP fingerprint: EEF9 F697 4B68 D275 7B11 6A25 B2BB 3710 A204 23C0 No trees were killed in the creation of this message. However, many electrons were terribly inconvenienced.